Paid To Popup latest house designs: Adore Home - British Edition Feb/Mar 2011 (Issue 3)



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Adore Home - British Edition Feb/Mar 2011 (Issue 3)

Adore Home is a relative newcomer to the lifestyle e-magazine stable. You wouldn't know it based on the cover of this issue, but Adore Home is an Australian based title.

The British Edition is in fact the third issue of this title. Although heavy on all things Britannia, as you would expect in a British Edition, it's not one just for the Anglophiles. Several prominent Aussie bloggers feature in this issue such as Kellie from Ada & Darcy, Louise from Table Tonic & Viv from ish & chi. Also there's a fabulous kids rooms feature & the homes shown are of "real" people & styles that are attainable whatever your budget may be. There is a mouthwatering High Tea feature which not only has delicious recipes, but equally sumptuous photos. The travel section definitely beckons one to London especially in the Spring/Summer - I need to go back!

I'm overwhelmed by the number of quality lifestyle/interiors e-magazines that are now available. I'm proud that Australia is at the forefront with a publication like Adore Home.

Congratulations to founder & creator of Adore Home, designer Loni Parker on a fantastic issue. Looking forward to the next issue!

Sandy K
[above image via Adore Home]

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